Ubuntu – Remote Desktop Access Ubuntu 17.10 – no desktop sharing option

17.10remote desktop

I've been trying to remotely access my ubuntu 17.10. I started by installing teamviewer12 but that did not work. I then stumbled upon the desktop sharing article (https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/sharing-desktop.html) but apparently that does not exist in my installation. I did find sharing and file sharing under it but nothing else.
I then installed gconftool-2 and tried to set the remote desktop option to true (but had no way of knowing whether it worked)
I then installed RealVNC connect but could not find any vnc dialog. I tried to run the vncliscensewiz from terminal and was able to sign in but it required sudo to complete and sudo vncliscensewiz did not work.
Any solutions? or ideas on what to do ? or places I may have missed ?
Thank you.

Best Answer

Just expanding justen meltz answer. The documentation does match when you switch to Xorg display server. That is quite easy as Xorg is already installed in ubuntu 17.10, but just in case, check this quick reference:.

Once said that, I needed to configure remote access to my ubuntu 17.10 and still struggled a bit. I list below the references I used to get both XRDP and VNC running.

XRDP (Assumes Xorg display server used)

  1. Configure XRDP (written for 17.10)

VNC (Assumes Xorg display server used)

  1. Open "Ubuntu software", search for "Desktop Sharing" and install it.
  2. Configure "Desktop Sharing" and disable encryption.
  3. You may also need to enable desktop sharing in ubuntu 17.10 sharing application.
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