Ubuntu – Recover files from gedit


I suspended my laptop while writing some files in gedit. When I opened my laptop, it suddenly went off and lost the files I had open in the text editor. How can I recover those files?

enter image description here

I have tried using the terminal, and I have tried Nautilus, but I can't even access Nautilus on my Ubuntu 14.04.

Best Answer

By default, the text editor (Gedit) does not autosave documents unless you manually saved them at least once beforehand. So if you didn't save your file, it's lost, unfortunately.

If you did save your file, the newer autosaved copy is in the same place as where you saved the file, but with "~" appended. This is a hidden file, so enable "Show hidden files" in the file manager (Ctrl + H), or use ls -a in the terminal to see it.

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