Ubuntu – Quicklist for Google Chrome (for bookmarks, new windows, etc) not working properly


I tried to make a quicklist for Google Chrome by editing the .desktop file in /opt/google/chrome but there is a small problem

If i already have an instance of google chrome running and then i use the quicklist's shorcuts, the new google chrome opens in the same icon as the first one, adding the triangle to the left (just as it is supposed to)
If, though, i don't have an instance of chrome already running and i use one of the shorcuts i get the new window in its own icon on the launcher – making the launcher have two google chrome icons : one with the quicklist enabled and one without it.

the code i used for the quicklist is :

X-Ayatana-Desktop-Shortcuts=NewWindow;Incognito;GoogleReader;  "Some more shorcuts here..."
Name[en_US]=Google Chrome
[NewWindow Shortcut Group]
Name=New Window
[Incognito Shortcut Group]
Name=New incognito window
Exec=/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --incognito
[GoogleReader Shortcut Group]
Name=Google Reader
Exec=/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome  %U http://www.google.com/reader/view/?hl=en#overview-page

and some more exactly like the google reader's shortcut group for the other shorcuts

Can someone help me with getting a working quicklist on chrome?
I'm pretty sure others would like to use it too.

Best Answer

Chrome seems to have a bug that causes this kind of behavior - one that is fixed in Chromium (at least on the daily version - 13.0.750.0 (83280) - that i tested) . The fix will , eventually, come to Chrome as well.

(when an update bring the fixed Chrome, i will post here a comment here - unless i have moved away to Chromium permanently)

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