Ubuntu – Quanta plus not supported


I'm using ubuntu since very long time, developing web applications.
After update to version 11.10 I Was very disapointed to see that Quanta Plus is NO LONGER SUPPORTED in this version.

Quanta is only one so powerful web development tool in linux distributions, after You removed it, I can't work under ubuntu.

Did You just forgot to put Quanta in repos ?

Please advice, Thanx !

Best Answer

The last version of Quanta Plus was released 3,5 years ago, it's website seems to be down at the moment so it seems the project is pretty much dead. Which is a pity, I used to use it.

Your options are either to find a replacement (kate is quite good as an editor, though maybe has less features for html/php coding) - or be a real man and see what it takes to compile it from the source. If you do this, maybe you'll become a new maintainer...

UPD: Actually, the last commit in the Quanta's repository seems to be almost 4 years ago - I'm not even sure there ever was a KDE4 version... most likely it remained a KDE3 application, which makes it surprising it was still working in 11.04.