Ubuntu – ps -xa | grep node to kill specific process

command lineprocess

I am currently using the following command to get a process:

ps -xa | grep node

Which results in the following:

13611 ?        Sl     0:03 /opt/brackets/Brackets-node /opt/brackets/node-core
20713 pts/1    Sl     0:00 node --harmony app.js
20838 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep node

I use the command kill -9 20713 to kill the node --harmony app.js process.

How can I kill the node --harmony app.js every single time with one command? I am tired of typing in the process number every time.

Best Answer

Use pkill:

pkill node

This would match the other command as well, so fine tune it:

pkill -f "node --harmony app.js"

This matches the full command line (-f) exactly, so it should only hit the desired command.

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