Ubuntu – Proxy setttings not working in Ubuntu 11.10


I always use a proxy to connect to the internet in Windows as well as in previous versions of Ubuntu, but in Ubuntu 11.10 it seems that the proxy settings I set in the GUI are not being applied system-wide.

I can access the internet in Firefox with its own proxy settings. I can access internet in the terminal (i.e. I am able to use apt-get for some small programs). But in Ubuntu software centre or update manager it is not working.

Best Answer

I was having this problem when I first installed Ubuntu 11.10. I don't know which of the following steps solved it, but this is what I did:

  • Open a terminal

  • Run export HTTP_PROXY=http://<myproxy>:<port> to set up the proxy server for that terminal session

  • Run sudo apt-get update

  • At this point, the update manager popped up and asked if I'd like to install c. 300 updates, which I did

  • Restart

  • Install dconf with sudo apt-get install dconf-tools

    or Using Software Center Install via the software center

  • Run dconf-editor, select system > proxy > http and click enable (as per the tutorial in teleblog's answer)

And now it all seems to work :)