Ubuntu – Prox* authentication issue with online accounts (12.10)


I want to use Ubuntu's online accounts feature to access my Facebook account. The thing is, my school has a proxy server you have to use to access https sites. So I configured my proxy settings accordingly. I am pretty sure the proxy setting is right because I logged into Facebook with Chrome. But when I try to log in with Ubuntu "online accounts" feature, it gives me this error.enter image description here

I am not totally sure it is a proxy problem either. I copy pasted the url into chrome and it works.

PS: The title is weird because my ISP blocks any url with the word proxy in it, and the title is incorporated into the url.

Please help!!

Best Answer

Manually Edit the Configuration File

Open the file /etc/apt/apt.conf by pressing Alt+F2 and running gksu gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf. Don't worry if it is an empty file. Add these lines into the file and save it:

Acquire::ftp::proxy "ftp://Username:Your_password@domain:port-no/";
Acquire::socks::proxy "socks://Username:Your_password@domain:port-no/";
Acquire::http::proxy "http://Username:Your_password@domain:port-no/";
Acquire::https::proxy "https://Username:Your_password@domain:port-no/";

Replace username by the username assigned to you and the password by your password, domain by the domain of your proxy like, which is my college's proxy address and by the port no like 3128 or the one which you have, if you do have these parameters assigned to you, else leave out username and password and also the characters: : and @ upto domain.

To add proxy authentication parameters to other applications, have a look at this answer to a similar question.

Use the Easy GUI Utility

Another way to add this information is by going to System Settings → Network → Network Proxy then add your proxy settings and click on Apply Settings System-wide. This will add the proxy settings but you will have to add the user-name and password manually using the command-line method described above.