Ubuntu – Problems with Ubuntu and AMD A10-4655M APU


I have a new HP Sleekbook 6z with AMD A10-4655M APU. I tried installing Ubuntu with wubi–the first attempt ended up with a 'AMD unsupported hardware' watermark that I wasn't able to remove (the appeared when I tried to update the drivers as Ubuntu suggested)

On the second attempted install Ubuntu installed (I stayed away from the suggested drivers) but the performance was extremely poor—-as in Windows Vista poor. I am not sure what the solution is–if I need to wait until there is a kernel update with Ubuntu or if there are other solutions–I realise this is a new APU for the market.

I would love to have Ubuntu 12.04 up and running–Windows 7 does very well with this new processor so Ubuntu should, well, be lightening speed.

The trial on the Sleekbook with Ubuntu 12.10 Alpha 2 release was a complete failure. I created a bootable USB. By using either the 'Try Ubuntu' or 'Install Ubuntu' options resulted in the usual purple Ubuntu splash screen, followed by nothing…as in a black screen without any hint of life. Interestingly one can hear the Ubuntu intro sound.

In case you are wondering, this same USB was trialed subsequently on another computer with and Intel Atom Processor. Worked flawlessly.

Lastly the second trial on the Sleekbook resulted in the same results as the first paragraph.

Perhaps 12.10 Beta will overcome this issue, or the finalised 12.10 release in October. I don't have the expertise to know what the cause of the behaviour is-the issue could be something else entirely. Sadly, the Windows 7 performance is very good with this processor-very similar and in some instances better to the 2nd generation Intel i5 based computer I use at my workplace. Whatever the cause is for the performance with Ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10 Alpha 2, the situation doesn't bode well for Ubuntu.

Ubuntu aside, the HP Sleekbook is a good performer for the price. I am certain once the Ubuntu issue is worked on and solutions arise, the Ubuntu performance will probably be better than ever.

Best Answer

Install the proprietary Catalyst drivers AMD website. (Ensure you chose Linux as the OS.) This will solve all display problems.

You can also install them from System - Additional Drivers. Your display chip will be detected and Ubuntu will let you download and install it.

UPDATE (05-Nov-2012): I got a new laptop with an APU and I ran into the same problems. Here is how you can fix the problems.

  1. Download the latest 12.10 driver from AMD website.
  2. Install the driver following the instructions given at the unofficial wiki at http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu

If you have a 64-bit system, you will need to install ia32 libs.

If the installation failed or did not work, then restart the computer with the failsafe version of the kernel at the Grub2 bootscreen menu. Press e to edit the failsafe option and then replace "ro single" with "rw xforcevesa"

Press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to go to a TTY screen. Kill the desktop with

sudo service gdm stop


sudo service lightdm stop

Run the AMD driver with sudo sh

Choose the second option of building the distribution-specific installer. (This will save you the trouble of uninstalling failed drivers.)

If the fglrx*.deb got created, install them as specified in the wiki.

Before you restart, run this command

sudo /usr/bin/aticonfig --initial

Run the command sudo reboot to restart the computer.