Ubuntu – Problem with the AMD drivers in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS


After installing the driver for the video card ATI Radeon HD 3870, I can not run Ubuntu (just a purple screen and all). Tried to go to recovery mode as root and write "apt-get purge fglrx*", but nothing happened. Then I decided to go into failsafe mode, but nothing (writes "clean some blocks" and all).

-Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (kernel 3.3.6)
-ATI Radeon HD 3870

P.S. Sorry if I write with mistakes. I am Russian, and understand very little English, so I used Google

Best Answer

Working with ATI drivers is an art more than a science. I can't help you with your specific issue but in my opinion the best source of info is the Unofficial ATI wiki. There you will find not only specific Ubuntu-related info, it is also organised according to distribution and includes Precise Pangolin specific info here. While it might initially seem like a lot of information, it's worth taking to understand how you need to interact with these drivers in order to get the most satisfying settings for your PC.