Ubuntu – Problem with scaling on Debian-based distro


How do you replicate Virtual Super Resolution on Debian based distro?
Or like anything what would make GUI scale to make GUI more productive..

Thanks for any help (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


  • This setup has one 1080p 60' monitor that is practically not useble to work with this scale for intended workload (Gaming, Audio-visual production, etc..)

  • Temporary GPU – ATI Sapphire 7870 AND AMD Radeon 7870

  • AMD has two names for this GPU as far as i know.


  1. Change font size

    • Helped, but not much.
    • I can scale fonts so that its practically unreadable, but GUI stays the same.
  2. Change icon size

    • Helped, but not much.
    • Same as fonts, GUI is the same.
  3. Switch from XFCE4 on KDE and change DPI for monitor in GUI

    • Helped a lot, but still i need it to scale below “1”.
  4. Modify xrandr for virtual resolution

    • it seems to work, but screen can render just 1/4 at a time and the rest is accesable by moving cursor to the edge of the screen. Or it has black screen on ¾ of set screen which are non-useble.
    • Tried command:
      xrandr --output DVI-I-0 --mode 1920x1080 --fbmm 2560x1440 --nograb --rate 60
    • Seems that 3D applications can’t use 2560×1440 and nothing changes. I try to find something usefull in man pages and i found command “–Transform”, but based on provided informations i don’t know how to use it and it seems that it doesn’t have intended effect. Image here: https://imgur.com/a/ZiyMAe4
  5. Generate resolution using umc (Universal Moderline Calculator) and add it as mode to xrandr, then run it.

    • Resulted in blackscreen same as cvr.
  6. using "–scale" in xrandr allows me to replicate Virtual Super Resolution. (thanks to @Lienhart Woitok)

    • The problem now is that i can't access that part of the screen with cursor, but apps seems to be able to.
    • Testing different presets in xrandr now.



    xrandr --output DVI-I-0 --fb 2560x1440 --panning 2560x1440 --scale 1.333x1.333 --rate 60

(Don't copy+paste it into your system, try it with your variables!)


I haven't found any simmilar article on this forum nor on the internet and i can't fix this issue by myself. (☉_☉)

Best Answer

I was able to solve the issue by executing:

xrandr --output DVI-I-0 --fb 2560x1440 --panning 2560x1440 --scale 1.333x1.333 --rate 60

(Don't copy+paste it into your system, try it with your variables!)

Special thanks to @Lienhart Woitok. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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