PulseAudio – Fix PulseAudio Not Starting at Startup


I use Ubuntu Studio 18.04.2, 64 bit Linux (with the extended support) Operating System.

I don't know why but, today one of my desktop PCs doesn't have
pulseaudio working.

I tried: pulseaudio -k, first and then: pulseaudio -D but, I just got the messages:

Fail to stop the daemon because it is not working.

Fail to start the daemon.

So… I went to Synaptic Packages Manager and I uninstalled, first, and then I reinstalled all about pulseaudio

But… It doesn't work!

It doesn't start at startup.

Even more, I tested if I had sound from some apps (audacity, musescore, firefox) and… Nothing! There is no sound!

I have the exactly same Linux OS in my 3 PCs (two desktops and one laptop) and this issue is just present in one of my desktop, only, since today!

I don't know what to do to rescue the pulseaudio daemon!

What's wrong here?

What can I do to fix this?

BTW: If it could possible…, Can we use ALSA only? How can we switch between pulseaudio and ALSA at any time?

Best Answer

try maybe using:

killall pulseaudio 

And try Again with:

pulseaudio --start

If it started up, But has some weird static effect, then try Doing either:

killall pulseaudio


pulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload && sleep 2 && pulseaudio -k && sudo alsa force-reload