Ubuntu – problem with amd gpu on ubuntu 16 .04


I've just updated my ubuntu 15.10 to ubuntu 16.04 lts. I've got some problem with my decicated amd gpu(amd radeon r5 m335). I known that ubuntu 16 doesn't support amd proprietary drivers, but there are open-source alternatives that should work. I don't need graphical performance, i've got also an intel hd 530(and i was used to switch the amd gpu off and use only intel hd for a better battery life).
I decided to do the upgrade ubuntu 16, but it does not recognize the amd card! i was used to receive this boot message: radeon init error(-22). Since some days i don't the receive any message simply the system doen't see the amd card.
In ubuntu 15 i also received the radeon init message but it works! after some time i installed the proprietary driver(fglrx) and it works well.
In ubuntu 16 there's no way do see the amd card.

this is the output of "additional drivers"
this is the screenshoot of lspci

I don't known the solution! but i think that i could do two things:
1)install thye fglrx propetary driver
2)manually configure the amdgpu driver

thanks for the advices and sorry for my english

Best Answer

You can use AMDGPU-Pro Driver "Beta" for Ubuntu 16.04. From this link:

​Installing the AMD GPU-PRO Driver

There are four simple steps involved in the installation of the AMD GPU-Pro Driver: Download, Extract, Install and Configure. The instructions to perform the installation have been simplified and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Before installing the driver, a quick note on how to check if your system already has AMD GPU-PRO installed.

System Check

The easiest way to find out if you have AMD GPU-Pro already installed on your Ubuntu System is to query the Debian package manager.

Using the following command at a terminal will provide you with the version of the AMD GPU-Pro stack on your system, or inform you that there are no packages found:

dpkg -l amdgpu-pro


A direct link to download the Linux AMDGPU-PRO driver is given below and it is also available on the Driver Download Page. This file has a tar.xz extension which reflects a more-effective c​ompression algorithm that (in most cases) creates a smaller archive than the more common gzip format.

AMD Radeon™ Software AMD GPU-PRO Beta Driver – Linux® for Vulkan™ Version 16.15.1013 for Ubuntu 1​4.04.4​

NOTE: This file can also be located via the Driver Download Page by locating your card and selecting the Linux Driver link.


After the archive is downloaded, extract the contents to a temporary location from which you can install it. The example below assumes you have downloaded the archive to /tmp and will extract to the same location. If your file was downloaded into the ~/Downloads/ folder by default, you can also extract and install from there, and afterwards you can remove the install files.​

cd /tmp
​tar -Jxvf amdgpu-pro_16.15.2-277429​.tar.xz


Once the archive is expanded on the local machine, run the included script (amdgpu-pro-install) to install the graphics stack. During the installation you will be required to provide sudo access, and also to provide two confirmations to:​

  1. Install the packages, and
  2. Allow installation of "unverified" packages from the AMDGPU-PRO archive. The script will use the package manager to install the components of the graphics stack, with a short delay during the DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support) installation. From the directory where you extracted the archive, issue the following command:


After this you can restart your machine to launch using the new graphics stack.

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