Ubuntu – Printer not using full page width


I have an Epson LX-300 Printer Driver, but I can not get it to print on the full width of a regular US Letter page. Whatever I configure, the printer just prints about 60% of the page width. As if the page were very small, leaving large empty spaces. I have tried printing from Firefox, Chrome, and OpenOffice. I have tried setting the "Paper Size" to different settings. I have taken out all margins. I have used "Adjust to fit on page" and printed on "100%" (and 150% and 50%⁾. I have installed the printer under Ubuntu 10.10 using this tutorial: http://all-about-ubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/12/epson-lx-300-printer-driver.html, and I have tried using this driver: http://www.openprinting.org/printer/Epson/Epson-Dot_Matrix. I have also tried by just using Ubuntu default setting.

All of this has given no results. I can not get this printer to print on the full width of the page.

Anybody any idea?

Best Answer

You probably have the wrong driver. Install a different one by going to: Administration > Hardware > Printing. Try all drivers from Epson, one of those should do the job.

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