Ubuntu – Pre-define colors for Terminal

bashcommand line

I was trying to remember how I could pre-define colors inside of .bashrc file so they could be called on when I do ${RED} for example.

I can't remember if this was the right way of doing it, but it was something like this if I can remember;

NC="\033[0;0;0m"      # no color or formatting
RED="\033[1;49;91m"   # color red
BLU="\033[1;49;94m"   # color blue
GRN="\033[1;49;32m"   # color green

another I recall, was using function so it could be use at any time anywhere. I did have a file showing me how to do this but I lost this file which showed how to do it, and I can't remember how it goes.

Best Answer

You can define a function in your ~/.bashrc as follows

    export RED='\033[1;49;91m'
    export NC='\033[0;0;0m'
    echo -e $RED"$@"$NC

Source ~/.bashrc as . ~/.bashrc or open a new terminal and try.

enter image description here

Also you can write in colours while writing something on terminal using echo or printf as following,

enter image description here

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