Ubuntu – Power Savings and Performance Modes on Ubuntu System


This might be the only thing I miss from windows.

There is no way to tell the system to run in high performance mode or in power saver mode.

May be this feature which is already there and I am not sure.

So, Is there a way to change the system operation mode into high-performance? Basically, over burning the rams and processors enabling to do several power effective task like running two OSes on VMWare and not having any performance degradation.

Or, changing the system's mode into power-saver mode affecting the battery life my a lot?

P.S: I dont think what can of hardware I have has to depend while answering this. But if is, I will include my system details as well.

Best Answer

You could install Jupiter (http://www.jupiterapplet.org/)

Which adds this this features to your system and allow you to control it using an indicator

enter image description here

Just add the PPA ppa:webupd8team/jupiter to your system using this command

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/jupiter

Update your reposites and install it using these command(s)

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install jupiter

and you are good to go

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