gnome – pop-theme Causes gnome-control-center Segmentation Fault

gnomegnome-control-centersegmentation fault

Ubuntu 19.10
Gnome 3.28

I'm trying to run gnome-control-center


Segmentation fault (core dumped)

  • Clear gnome-control-center .cache and .config
  • Remove all gnome extensions
  • Installed all the updates
  • Reboot

nothing changed…

     > coredumpctl info:

          PID: 12246 (gnome-control-c)
          UID: 1000 (michaeldl)
          GID: 1000 (michaeldl)
       Signal: 11 (SEGV)
    Timestamp: Sun 2019-11-10 23:23:21 MSK (1h 6min ago)
 Command Line: gnome-control-center
   Executable: /usr/bin/gnome-control-center
Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/gnome-shell-x11.service
         Unit: user@1000.service
    User Unit: gnome-shell-x11.service
        Slice: user-1000.slice
    Owner UID: 1000 (michaeldl)
      Boot ID: 4a24792e63014ae2904ad4e50987a50c
   Machine ID: ef03f98c351a4bb19f7d0ca6b14695c6
     Hostname: michaeldl
      Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.gnome-control-c.1000.4a24792e63014ae2904ad4e50987a50c.12246.1573417401000000.lz4
   Message: Process 12246 (gnome-control-c) of user 1000 dumped core.

            Stack trace of thread 12246:
            #0  0x00007f34a3155e1e gtk_container_add (
            #1  0x000055c367493ba5 n/a (gnome-control-center)
            #2  0x00007f34a3830546 n/a (
            #3  0x00007f34a3832278 g_object_new_valist (
            #4  0x00007f34a38325cd g_object_new (
            #5  0x000055c367452676 n/a (gnome-control-center)
            #6  0x00007f34a382d7ef g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRINGv (
            #7  0x00007f34a382a936 n/a (
            #8  0x00007f34a384736c g_signal_emit_valist (
            #9  0x00007f34a38479b3 g_signal_emit (
            #10 0x000055c367450787 n/a (gnome-control-center)
            #11 0x00007f34a382dde3 g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECTv (
            #12 0x00007f34a382a936 n/a (
            #13 0x00007f34a384736c g_signal_emit_valist (
            #14 0x00007f34a38479b3 g_signal_emit (
            #15 0x00007f34a382a936 n/a (
            #16 0x00007f34a384736c g_signal_emit_valist (
            #17 0x00007f34a3847fa9 g_signal_emit_by_name (
            #18 0x000055c367450f49 cc_panel_list_set_active_panel (gnome-control-center)
            #19 0x000055c36745316f n/a (gnome-control-center)
            #20 0x00007f34a3830546 n/a (
            #21 0x00007f34a3832278 g_object_new_valist (
            #22 0x00007f34a38325cd g_object_new (
            #23 0x000055c3674535ac cc_window_new (gnome-control-center)
            #24 0x000055c36744cfc3 n/a (gnome-control-center)
            #25 0x00007f34a382a936 n/a (
            #26 0x00007f34a384736c g_signal_emit_valist (
            #27 0x00007f34a38479b3 g_signal_emit (
            #28 0x00007f34a3952312 g_application_register (
            #29 0x00007f34a39526ee n/a (
            #30 0x00007f34a3952a72 g_application_run (
            #31 0x000055c36744c639 main (gnome-control-center)
            #32 0x00007f34a15c71e3 __libc_start_main (
            #33 0x000055c36744c84e _start (gnome-control-center)

            Stack trace of thread 12255:

Any ideas?..

Remove gnome-control-center with dependencies and install it again…
Nothing changed…

Best Answer

In my opinion there is a much better solution to that problem other than getting rid of a useful repository I personally like. What helped me is fixing the main repo priority. You may see that there are two repositories available for gnome-control-center package and the system76 is used now using a apt-cache policy gnome-control-center command:

  Installed: 1:3.34.1-1ubuntu2pop1~1571679625~19.10~ef2ab1f
  Candidate: 1:3.34.1-1ubuntu2pop1~1571679625~19.10~ef2ab1f
  Version table:
 *** 1:3.34.1-1ubuntu2pop1~1571679625~19.10~ef2ab1f 500
        500 eoan/main amd64 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     1:3.34.1-1ubuntu2 500
        500 eoan/main amd64 Packages

See those 500s? That's the default repo priority and it's the same. Let's give the main repo a higher priority (I'm on Ubuntu 19.10 codename eoan, please use your distro's codename instead):

    $ apt-cache policy | grep o=Ubuntu | grep c=main | grep a=eoan,
     release v=19.10,o=Ubuntu,a=eoan,n=eoan,l=Ubuntu,c=main,b=i386
     release v=19.10,o=Ubuntu,a=eoan,n=eoan,l=Ubuntu,c=main,b=amd64

That release ... part is kind of a filter you may use to give a repo different priority. Create and edit (as a root) a file called /etc/apt/preferences.d/main_repo_priority to look like this:

    Package: *
    Pin: release v=19.10,o=Ubuntu,a=eoan,n=eoan,l=Ubuntu,c=main,b=amd64
    Pin-Priority: 1001

And now finally reinstall the gnome-control-center:

    sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-control-center

And double check that the correct version is installed:

    $ apt-cache policy gnome-control-center
       Installed: 1:3.34.1-1ubuntu2
       Candidate: 1:3.34.1-1ubuntu2
       Version table:
          1:3.34.1-1ubuntu2pop1~1571679625~19.10~ef2ab1f 500
             500 eoan/main amd64                                                          Packages
     *** 1:3.34.1-1ubuntu2 1001
           1001 eoan/main amd64 Packages
            100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
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