Ubuntu – Pidgin unable to connect to GTalk


I can't believe I'm raising this question after years, but after a fresh installation of Ubuntu 12.10, I'm unable to connect Pidgin to Google Talk.

I use a Google Apps domain name, and the settings that I'm using are :

Protocol : XMPP
Username : ****
Domain   : ********.com
Resource : Home

In the advanced tab,

Connection security : Require encryption.
UNCHECK Allow plaintext auth over unencrypted steams
Connect port  : 5222
Connect sever : talk.google.com
File transfer proxies : proxy.eu.jabber.org
Bosh URL : (blank)

In the proxy tab,

No proxy.

I had used these same settings on 12.04 and it had worked like a charm.

Any help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

Use the following setting and check if it works:

Connection Security : "Use old-style SSL"
     Connect port   : 5223
     Connect sever  : talk.google.com