Ubuntu – phpMyAdmin is showing “The thesqli extension is missing. “


I have been trying to install phpmyadmin for a while, and i always face the same error


I downloaded php7.0 and mysql-server-5.7

I also choose Apache2 and unix socket in the configuration process

Also tried adding Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf to the end of the file solution

and when I try to open the http://localhost/phpadmin it shows this error

The mysqli extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.
See our documentation for more information.

Any help?

PHP MY Admin Error

Best Answer

You need to install the software php-mysql. This will install php7.0's MySQL interface libraries to the proper locations.

You can install it with: sudo apt-get install php-mysql

After installation, restart your Apache2 instance - sudo systemctl restart apache2

PHP should then detect the mysql and mysqli libraries.

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