Ubuntu – Permission denied on start-dfs.sh


I am trying to create a 2-node Hadoop cluster, following this guide. The one node is my Ubuntu laptop and the slave node, the 2nd one, is a virtualbox that also runs Ubuntu.

I am doing in the master node:

gsamaras@gsamaras:/home/hadoopuser/hadoop/sbin$ sudo ./start-dfs.sh
16/01/23 04:46:16 WARN hdfs.DFSUtil: Namenode for null remains unresolved for ID null.  Check your hdfs-site.xml file to ensure namenodes are configured properly.
Starting namenodes on [master]
master: ssh: Could not resolve hostname master: Name or service not known
root@localhost's password: 
root@localhost's password: localhost: Permission denied, please try again.

If now I edit my /etc/hosts/ file to this:   localhost   gsamaras   slave-1   master   // should I have this?

the warning will leave, but I will still get a "permission denied". This question is exactly the same with mine's, but the answer did not help much. Any ideas please?

Best Answer

Try to give permission to your script file:

$ sudo chmod +x start-dfs.sh

Then execute.

$ sudo bash start-dfs.sh