Ubuntu – Permanently set correct monitor resolution instead at the start of each session with xrandr


I currently have to, after each time I log in, run xrandr --addmode VGA-1 1600x1200 and then use the display settings tool to set the correct resolution for one of my monitors.
Also (not sure if this is the same problem or not), during boot up, I don't see the plymouth screen–instead, both of my monitors turn off until lightdm comes up.

I'm using the neauvou driver (or whatever the default is) and Ubuntu 11.10.

So, how can I set the correct resolution for both of my screens from boot?

Best Answer

Although I can add the resolution mode with Xrandr I can't make it permanent in Oneiric, but regarding the Plymouth problem, it has to do with the system booting up, by the time the sequence gets to the line where it says to load the plymouth animation of your choice is already too late and "decides" not to run it, but you can change the order in which that command is executed. This has to be typed in terminal as super user (root)

To become super user:

sudo su

You will be asked for your password and then type:

echo FRAMEBUFFER=y > /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash

update-initramfs -u

to exit root-mode type:
