PCSX2 – How to Run PCSX2 on Ubuntu


PCSX2(playstation 2 emulator) won't work under Ubuntu 11.10 x64.
It worked when I was running Ubuntu 11.10 x86.

When I downloaded the pcsx2-0.9.8-r4594-linux.tar.gz I extracted it in the home directory and run the launch_pcsx2_linux.sh file, it closed immediately. When I open GNOME-terminal and typed in: ./launch_pcsx2_linux.sh I got the following error:

./pcsx2: error while loading shared libraries: libwx_baseu-2.8.so.0:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

When I type sudo apt-get install libwxbase2.8-0 it says that it is already installed.

Best Answer

A big plus here is, there is a Linux version of PCSX2, so we don't need to use WINE!


There are 2 ways to install pcsx2 in Ubuntu.


One just download it from the pcsx2 site, extract it in your home folder, and run the launch_pcsx2_linux.sh(X86 only). here is the pcsx2.desktop file save it in /usr/share/applications/ or in your /home/your username/.local/share/applications/. Edit the file, where it says your username change it to your actual username, and the actual path to the binary.


If that is to much of a hassle for you, The Gregory Hainaut PPA, is the official PCSX2 PPA, which supports x86 and x64 bit versions of Ubuntu. Due note that the package maintainers have stated:

PPA doesn't allow to upload package on unsupported Ubuntu. In short it only remains LTS and latest version.

Copy past the following in your gnome-terminal

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pcsx2-unstable

If the PCSX2 doesn't work for you, try the pcsx2-unstable package. One thing you need to do, when configuring PCSX2, is add BIOS files. You will get a window that asks for these BIOS files. You will need to provide legal BIOSĀ“es yourself!

Warning without BIOS'es you can't play the games.

This video shows PCSX2 in action, in VMware, showing off the x86 version. I didn't start the game cause it didn't work well with my screen-recorder.

PCSX2 in Ubuntu(x86/x64)



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