Partitions Showing Different Sizes on GParted and MS Disk Management – Fix Guide


I'm trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on an HPG60 Laptop.
I'm having a difficulty to install this coz I cant see the unallocated space I prepared in Windows.

As you can see on the attached screenshot:

Disk Management Screenshot

I've prepared an unallocated space 96.72GB using Disk Management.
But when I boot up ubuntu and check Gparted,
I'm seeing this instead

Gparted Screenshot

An unallocated space of 1MB?!

Never encountered this before. I've installed ubuntu on a lenovo laptop that I use on office but I never like this before.
Anybody have any idea why this is happening?

Best Answer

Simple Answer:

What is Happening?

  • 152.53 + 96.72 = 249.25 (Gparted is not recognising difference b/w Unallocated and other partitions)

Why is it happening?

  • Dynamic Disc - Not supported

What to do?

  • Convert to Basic (data will be lost!)

Detailed Answer:

It is easy to make out from your screen-shot that you are using Dynamic Type disk : enter image description here

Ubuntu (I would say all Linux OS) and bootloader GRUB cannot recognize a Microsoft dynamic disk/volume/partition (SFS), and so they cannot boot from it.

You might need this information:

Basic Disk uses a partition table to manage all partitions on the disk, and it is supported by all Linux OS, DOS and all Windows versions. A disk with installed OS would be default initialized to a basic one. A basic disk contains basic volumes, such as primary partitions, extended partition, and all logical partitions are contained in extended partition.

Dynamic Disk is supported in Windows 2000 and later operating system (only). Dynamic disks do not use a partition table to track all partitions, but use a hidden database (LDM) to track information about dynamic volumes or dynamic partitions on the disk (which Gparted is not understanding). With dynamic disks you can create volumes that span multiple disks such as spanned and striped volumes, and can also create fault-tolerant volumes such as mirrored volumes and RAID 5 volumes.

This is the reason why Gparted is acting weirdly

What to do?

You need to convert your Dynamic Disk to Basic Disk.

First of all, BACK UP ALL YOUR DATA!

You can use any good tool for conversion. I will tell you with DISKPART

  1. Boot into any Windows installation media and go to "Repair my computer"
  2. In Advanced Options, go to Command Prompt
  3. Enter the following commands one by one


    list disk

    select disk 0 #(The number may be different in your system)

    clean #(Erases Everything (including windows))

    convert basic


Now you can easily install Both Windows and Ubuntu.

ELSE : If you don't want to completely clean your hard disk, You might consider to install Ubuntu on Virtualbox

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