Partitioning Suggestions – Best Practices for Partitioning External HDD, Swap, and SSD


Today i am going to install a clean ubuntu 12.04 . Right now i am running windows 7 home premium 64 bit. I am going to dual boot ubuntu. Also i am using a 120 gb ssd. My question is can you help me to manage my partitions. Right now with windows 7 i have 102gb free space (total 119gb) I am going to create a partition for ubuntu. But i dont know how much space do i have to allocate to it. Also i have an externall hdd which i keep my large files in it. Is there a possibility to create a /home partition in that hdd? /home partition keeps user data (downloads etc) i think and i dont want to waster my ssd's space for it. Also i have 16gb ram equipped. Do i have to create a partition for swap area? Finally, is it also necessary to create /boot partition? Thank you.

Ahhh forgot to tell. How much do i have to allocate for "/" also?

Best Answer

I would advise you to leave sufficient space for Windows 7 - it grows larger and larger as you use it. It seems to me that 30 gigabytes is ideal. (larger if you intend to install some other softwares) Ubuntu doesn't really need a dedicated partition to mount /boot; if you want to make everything as simple as possible, I would suggest:

  1. /: A fresh installation of Ubuntu 12.04 takes approximately 5 gigabytes on /, so if you are not planning to get a lot of softwares then you don't need too much space allocated for it.

  2. /swap: The common size of this partition = 0.5 * size of the memory, but I see you have some 16 gigabytes of RAM ... Ubuntu itself doesn't produce that much stuff, so just for fun, 2~4 gigabytes.

  3. /home: theoritically this is where you should allocate the most space (But as gajdipajti says, you do not need a seperate partition. If you do not specify this during installation then these stuff would be put onto /) . However as you're saying, you prefer to put this on your external hdd. I advise otherwise. You may allocate some 4~8 gigabytes for /home on ssd, and create symlinks to link whatever you put on your external hdd.

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