Ubuntu – Package ignore when running apt-get update


I'm trying to install Centrify Express on Ubuntu Server 12.04. I know there are several ways of doing this, but I've found that the most straightforward way is to add the Canonical archive repository and then apt-get install it. This has worked for me for the last 10 months or so on at least 12 systems.

Now after I added the repository and I run apt-get update, I see that the repository is ignored, and therefore I cannot install Centrify this way.

This is the apt-get update line:

Ign http://archive.canonical.com precise/partner Translation-en_US
Ign http://archive.canonical.com precise/partner Translation-en

Why is it ignored, and is there actually a manual way of updating a specific repository?

Best Answer

This is because of a problem in the centrifydc package as indicated here on their forums: http://community.centrify.com/t5/DirectControl-Express-for-UNIX/Broken-new-centrifydc-package-for-ubuntu-12-04-LTS/td-p/12010/page/2

Thanks for your patience on this. We are working with canonical to have these packages available soon, I don't have a confirmed date but we are making progress.

We hope to have it ready within a week and we will update the thread as soon as we have something more definitive.

So this should be resolved in the future.

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