Ubuntu – Openvpn connection problem using network manager

command linenetwork-managernetworkingopenvpnvpn

I have problem with connecting to vpn my company gave me those files along with a password

openvpn folder

I tried to import them this way
1- I go to Network Setting
2- then I press the plus button to add new connection
3- then I choose import from file option
4- then I select the tw-proxmox-ovh_vpn.ovpn file
5- and finally I put the password and save

after this is I try to connect I get this message

error message

and if I check the syslog I find this error

enter image description here

I looked around in google and I found two ways

The first way is to use this command line each time I have to connect

sudo openvpn /home/pookyfox/Documents/tw-proxmox-ovh_vpn/tw-proxmox-ovh_vpn.ovpn

This way is so much boring each time open my laptop I have to and execute the command and put the password and leave the terminal open

The second way is to import network connection using this command line

sudo nmcli c import type openvpn file tw-proxmox-ovh_vpn.ovpn

The problem in this way is that if I connect to the network I get a success message but I only have access to the VPN not any other website (like google for example) and to resolve the I have to check this Use this network only for its resources on its network in the network setting in the IPv4 tab and my guess is that I have overridden some hidden setting when I save after checking that button.

And here's the OpenVPN configuration

proto udp
dev tun
ca ca.crt
dh dh2048.pem
cert tw-proxmox-ovh_vpn.crt
key tw-proxmox-ovh_vpn.key
remote [ip_adress] [port]
cipher DES-CBC
verb 2
mute 20
keepalive 10 120
resolv-retry infinite
tls-cipher "DEFAULT:@SECLEVEL=0"

I had to add the tls-cipher "DEFAULT:@SECLEVEL=0" because I had an other issue.
So my question is how can I use network manager to connect to the VPN ?(just like the second way but with the box checked)

Best Answer

if it works with sudo..

try running

ll /home/pookyfox/Documents/tw-proxmox-ovh_vpn/


ls -o /home/pookyfox/Documents/tw-proxmox-ovh_vpn/

and check if your user/group has read/execute rights to those files. If you see something like these

drwx------   8 root root  ...
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  ...

but not like these

drwxr-xr-x   2 root root ...
drwxrwxrwt  17 root root ...
drwxr-xr-x  10 root root ...
-rwxrwxrwx   1 pookyfox pookyfox ...

just do a sudo chmod -R 777 /home/pookyfox/Documents/tw-proxmox-ovh_vpn/ and try to re-run them again.

Just throwing the first idea off the top of my head, hope it helps.

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