Ubuntu – OpenOfficeOrg Calc always prints in Landscape mode


So for some strange reason today anything I print in OpenOffice Calc comes out in Landscape mode.

I have tried the following:

  • Set the print job from OO Calc to portrait (prints out in landscape)
  • Tried opening a brand new file which by default is set to portrait (prints out in landscape)
  • Setting the default printer job orientation to portrait (prints out in landscape)
  • Print from gedit in portrait mode (prints out in portrait)

Not sure what else to try. Any ideas?

Best Answer

I'm using LibreOffice, so things might be slightly different, but I've had this problem before with Calc. Go to the "Format" menu, then click on "Page". You'll find a setting for orientation on the "Page" tab. Set it to Landscape, then do the same for your printer settings.

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