Ubuntu – Openjfx 11 after 18.10 upgrade


I'm developing an application that needs JavaFX.
This week I upgraded to Ubuntu 18.10 and saw that the default version of OpenJDK is 11 and therefore the OpenJFX version is also 11.
The "cosmic" repositories contain also version 8 of OpenJDK, but no OpenJFX 8 can be found.

Java 11 was released only the 25th of September 2018, it is really new.
The problem is, I'm now forced to develop my application with it; this gives me two problems:

  1. The other libraries I use are not compatible with JavaFX 11.
  2. Probably not many people plans to upgrade to it in the next months and they will not be happy to be forced to do it when they install my application.

I tried looking for some PPA but did not find any containing OpenJFX 8 for cosmic.

Is there a practical way to install OpenJFX 8, while still working with Ubuntu 18.10?

Best Answer

I've used a workaround suggested in the bugreport on launchpad @shz linked in the comment:

  • add the Ubuntu Bionic Sources
  • install the openjfx packages forcing the 8.x version from Bionic
  • lock these Versions
  • remove Bionic soures again
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