Ubuntu – Open URL in Chromium and switching to existing tab open if URL already open


I was trying to create Unity quicklists for Gmail. But if the Gmail was already opened, it will still create another tab and load the web page, rather than switching to the existing.
I even tried installing the 'Gmail App' from the app store and nothing happened.

I looked at the various command line switches, I could not find anything.

The other clumsy solution was to install an addon called Prevent Duplicate Tabs
It removed the duplicate tabs but it still had to load the page than switching to it. It also doesn't work with forwarding URLs like Google Docs

On a side note wasn't this meant to be a feature for web apps, a buzz word today.

Best Answer

The Chrome extension, Clutter Free, does exactly what you asked:

  • switches to already open duplicate tab, when a new one is opened,
  • works on redirects as long as the final redirected url is already open

Disclaimer: I'm the author for this extension. I too was looking for this solution, and ended up making the extension.