NVIDIA Prime Settings in NVIDIA X Server for 16.04.1


I use the NVIDIA binary driver 367.57 selected in the "Additional Drivers" tab
in "Software and updates".
It works perfectly, except that the option "Prime" is not showing in NVIDIA X Server Settings.
What should I do ? Should not Prime be automatically installed with the 367.57 drivers ?

Best Answer

Maybe the installer did not recognize that the computer has a hybrid graphics solution.
Normally the package nvidia-prime should be installed alongside the NVIDIA drivers automatically - to do it manually, open a terminal and execute the following command :

sudo apt install nvidia-prime  

Now you can find the tab PRIME Profiles in the NVIDIA X Server Settings application.

enter image description here

Update addressing your comment that the package nvidia-prime is already installed

Maybe something went wrong during the first installation process of the NVIDIA drivers.
Therefore un-install and re-install the packages nvidia-prime and nvidia-settings :

sudo apt purge nvidia-prime nvidia-settings  
sudo apt install nvidia-prime nvidia-settings  

As you did not provide further information about your graphics hardware, NVIDIA Prime is only effective when the computer has an integrated intel AND a dedicated NVIDIA graphics adapter.

Update addressing the comment in which you provided information about the hardware

As you have very new graphics hardware - using the latest stable drivers may solve the issue.

First uninstall every NVIDIA related software you have installed on your operating system :

sudo apt purge nvidia*  
sudo reboot  

After the restart install the latest official NVIDIA drivers 375.20 from the long-lived branch :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nvidia-375 nvidia-prime
sudo reboot