NTP – ‘ntpd Unable to Bind to Wildcard Address’ Error: How to Resolve


On my Ubuntu 13.04 (using AWS). When I start a new machine or when I reboot my machine ntp does not start and I see the following in the syslog:

Jan 10 02:56:49 ntpd: unable to bind to wildcard address - another process may be running - EXITING

I also notice that before this ntpdate was used to adjust time

Jan 10 02:45:20 ntpdate[960]: adjust time server offset -0.000259 sec

I am not sure if this is a race condition or me missing something here, I would appreciate if anyone can help me out here.


Best Answer

This is because the ntpdate is running when you try to start the server. I haven't found reasons why to leave it installed so you could remove it if you are using ntp daemon:

sudo apt-get remove ntpdate