Ubuntu – Notify OSD config on vivid vervet


I upgraded to Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid Vervet today and was annoyed, but unsurprised, to see that notify OSD was updated and restored to its default, limited, functionality.

The thing is, the patched version of notify-osd and its respective configuration tool don't appear to be packaged yet for Ubuntu 15.04. Following the guide for 14.04/14.10 didn't work (not that I really expected it to), and I'm looking for a way to make notify OSD pretty again.

I'm usually an Arch Linux user, so the whole concept of a dist-upgrade is kind of foreign to me. Because the packages aren't packaged, does that mean the binaries are incompatible? Why don't the PPAs for 14.10 work? Can I download and install the required packages somehow without the system complaining at me?

Best Answer

Can't comment on the previous answer (lack of rep), but to add on to Kam's answer above, you can download the notify-osd .deb file from here, for me I just installed the daily one.

Run sudo dpkg -i filename.deb and you'll find that it'll immediately work with your existing NotifyOSDConfig installed. This will "downgrade" notify-osd (as shown in output), and therefore you will need to blacklist notify-osd from auto-upgrades like the other answer mentioned.