Ubuntu – Not booting into Ubuntu 14.10


I have a dual boot system with Ubuntu and Windows 8. The grub boot loader fails to load Ubuntu.

It was automatically loading Ubuntu in few seconds but not anymore.

So, I manually choose Ubuntu but it shows some scripts and fails to boot.

Even Windows 8 doesn't boot.

It's now showing something like this:
error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'. Entering rescue mode..grub rescue>
I tried this –
grub rescue > ls
(hd0) (hd0,msdos6)(hd0, msdos5) (hd0, msdos4) (hd0, msdos3) (hd0, msdos2) (hd0, msdos1)
I then tried this-
grub rescue > ls (hd0,msdosX)
but it doesn't show which is my Linux file!!
grub rescue> failed to read file.
Please help me I have so many data in my pc 🙁

Best Answer

Sorry friends it's my fault, the problem was with the hdd and it wasn't detected in my bios but its really working now after I reinstalled in motherboard. I doubted so when I tried to install Ubuntu from live disk then it showed I don't have enough space. I was confirmed after checking it out in bios. Feeling relaxed. Thanks everyone.

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