Ubuntu – Node in MAAS not waking up on LAN


I am trying to add nodes in MAAS cluster. I setup MAAS Server in VM using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I completed the post-install tasks like installing MAAS, configure network, DHCP-DNS, creating logins, importing boot images as explained here:

In the node's BIOS, I did change the boot order so that it boots from the LAN and node successfully booting up from PXE boot from the MAAS cluster controller through atuo detect node function and MAAS DHCP server giving IP address from its DHCP range to node (In this process first time I switched on the node from its power button not from MAAS)

After completing above process the machine is now showing "declared" in MAAS and node automatically power down.

Wake-on-lan details are already configured on node and just to make sure if everything working fine I tested Wake-on-lan function from my mobile phone app and its working without any problem.

Now I checked "Commission" from menu but commissioning not pulling additional information from node (node is off because MAAS not sending magic packets to node's wake-on-lan) but if I switch on my node by my self through my mobile app after showing lots of lines once again node power down then node showing me 'Ready' status in MAAS but when I check node CPU and RAM details, it's showing me 0MB 0CPU.

After completing above task MAAS showing me node status is ready and then I tried to start node from MAAS it says "The action "Commission selected nodes" could not be performed on 1 node because its state does not allow that action."

Main Issue: Node wake-on-lan 100% working from my mobile app but MAAS not sending magic packets to node from step one. There is no firewall between MAAS, Node and Mobile.

Important: I am using using MAAS DHCP for my entire network so I can browse internet from my cell phone with MAAS DNS.

Best Answer

I just discovered that MAAS uses either Etherwake or Wakeonlan to boot the nodes, if using power type wake-on-lan.

Those are not installed by default, and are not dependencies of MAAS.

Just install Etherwake or Wakeonlan from the standard Ubuntu repo

apt-get install etherwake


apt-get install wakeonlan

Then, when you manually add a node using MAAS, use wake-on-lan power type with your MAC address, and as soon as you save the node, the party begins!

I found the information in the following file, take a look:

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