I have two notebooks (Notebook 1 with Ubuntu 10.04 and Notebook 2 with Ubuntu 10.10) in a home network and I want to share a folder on notebook 1 with samba. Notebook 2 should be able to read/write/delete content of the folder.
I installed the packages samba and system-config-samba and I added a user and the share with read/write access to samba with the Samba Configuration GUI.
When I enter
in Nautilus on notebook 2 I can enter username and password. But then I can only read the content of the folder. Changing files is not allowed. Can somebody help me?
edit: Here is the part of my smb.conf, where the share is defined:
path = /home/user1/Images
writeable = yes
; browseable = yes
valid users = avahi, user1
Do I need to add a semicolon in front of writeable...
Best Answer
Try to login to the share with a user which has read/write permissions on the system where the folder is shared. Also make sure that that particular user has rights to access the samba share.
If possible, it is always a good idea to go for NFS sharing. As long as you do not need to connect from a Windows box you will be happy with NFS. If you want to continue with NF have a look at the quick start section of this official Ubuntu documentation.