Live USB – No Username/Password Required When Exploring from Live USB


A few months back when I buggered up my netbook and then booted into it to get information from it using a live USB. (Thinking that was 10.10)

When I was copy/pasting this to another USB at no time was I required to enter my user name or password to access this information. Why and how was that possible? Shouldn't that not be possible? This was information from the 'home' including documents, pictures, music, videos and some other locations.

This does not sound secure at all, is there any way that I can ensure this cannot happen again and that user name and password would be required to access information on my installed Ubuntu computer when booting on that computer from a live USB/CD/DVD?

Best Answer

No user name/password required when exploring from live USB

Why and how was that possible? Shouldn't that not be possible?

Well, you are using the OS (Ubuntu) from the live USB not OS from your installation

This does not sound secure at all, is there any way that I can ensure this cannot happen again and that user name and password would be required to access information on my installed Ubuntu computer when booting on that computer from a live USB

You could encrypt you data:

Why Use Encryption?

In the simplest terms encryption is a method for establishing privacy.