Ubuntu – No such file or directory when executing /usr/bin/time

bashcommand linetime-command

I'm building my own android rom. In order to build it, I need to run

mka -j8 bacon

However, I wanted to measure the time it took to build it, so I used

/usr/bin/time -f "User\t%U\nSys\t%S\nReal\t%E\nCPU\t%P" mka -j8 bacon

This won't run, because it's saying

/usr/bin/time: cannot run mka: No such file or directory

Any help how to work around this, it's appreciated!
I'm running xubuntu.


For some reason, using make instead of mka does work, however using mka is better.

/usr/bin/time -f "User\t%U\nSys\t%S\nReal\t%E\nCPU\t%P" make -j8 bacon

Edit 2:
from the cyanogenmod website

Invoking $ source build/envsetup.sh or $ . build/envsetup.sh from
your shell runs the envsetup.sh script in the build directory.
envsetup.sh adds many functions to the build environment, the most
important of which are listed below.

source build/evnsetup.sh is the command I run before executing time. One of those added functions by evnsetup.sh is mka, is it possible to call this from within the time command?

Edit 3: Output of type mka

$ type mka
mka is a function
mka () 
    case `uname -s` in 
            make -j `sysctl hw.ncpu|cut -d" " -f2` "$@"
            schedtool -B -n 1 -e ionice -n 1 make -j$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "^processor" | wc -l) "$@"

Best Answer

The problem is that mka is a bash function exported by your script and not an executable (as opposed to make), so /usr/bin/time doesn't find it, as it looks for an executable.

There are two possible solutions.

First, note that there is a difference between the bash built-in function time, and the executable /usr/bin/time. These are different commands, which take different parameters and generate different output:

$ time sleep 1

real    0m1.001s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.001s

$ /usr/bin/time sleep 1
0.00user 0.00system 0:01.00elapsed 0%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 664maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+215minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Type help time to get help for the bash built-in time. Type man time to get help for the executable /usr/bin/time.

The first solution uses time, whereas the second solution uses /usr/bin/time.

First solution: using the bash built-in function time

The bash built-in function time is aware of declared bash functions, and you can immediately use it to measure the time of such functions.

$ foo() {
    sleep 1;
    echo "Hello World"
$ time foo
Hello World

real    0m1.002s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.001s

In your case, the following command should work:

$ time mka -j8 bacon

This would be my preferred way. However, it may not generate exactly the output you want. In particular, it does not measure or print CPU usage.

Second solution: using the executable /usr/bin/time

You cannot directly measure the time of a built-in bash function using /usr/bin/time (as far as I know), but what you can do is measure the time of the /bin/bash executable executing that bash function. This is a little hacky, and it generates a little overhead as you are launching an extra instance of bash. But this overhead may be negligible when faced with a function that takes minutes to compute, so it may still suit your needs better.

To be able to launch the /bin/bash executable on a bash function, we have to export the function first.

$ foo() {
    sleep 1;
    echo "Hello World"
$ export -f foo
$ echo foo | /usr/bin/time /bin/bash
Hello World
0.00user 0.00system 0:01.00elapsed 0%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 1476maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (0major+707minor)pagefaults 0swaps

Hence, in your case, to be able to use /usr/bin/time and generate the output format you want, you could proceed as follows:

$ export -f mka
$ echo 'mka -j8 bacon' | /usr/bin/time -f "User\t%U\nSys\t%S\nReal\t%E\nCPU\t%P" /bin/bash