Ubuntu – No Sound on Firefox or Chrome, Kubuntu 16.04


Amarok works fine, system sounds, local videos… but I get no sound in Firefox or Chrome on Youtube. I even tried installing flash plugin for Firefox instead of HTML5, STILL no sound.

I really have no idea what to do next. Googling hasn't come up with anything recent in this regard… (all versions from at least 2 years ago).

Has this happened to anyone else and do you know the solution? Or specifically something I can look at in my configuration that might clue me in?

Thank you.

Firefox v47.0

Chrome v51.0.2704.106

Netflix, twitch and all others will not run in browser either. It seems like only browser-related apps will not have sound.

I installed the restricted extras (codecs).

I have also tried installing freshplayerplugin, to no avail.

Another update… I installed minitube and that works with youtube videos. On the DOWNSIDE, I installed wine/playonlinux and installed a game (starstable online) and there is no sound in game.

This is frustrating. I am sure there is some common denominator but I don't know what it is.

Driver information (thanks for the link):

Best Answer

Thanks to Karsus I was able to track down the information I needed!!! When you install pavucontrol:

apt install pavucontrol

then you can pinpoint applications and see/control what sound output devices they think they should be using.

I had to manually set my browsers to use my headset for output. Sweet! Thank you Karsus.