Ubuntu – No sound from internal speakers after using HDMI output


I still have the issue with Ubuntu 14.04 as I had on Mint 17.3:
My laptop is connected to the TV via HDMI. Everything works fine.
If I shut down the computer and plug off the HDMI no sound is coming from the internal speakers for some(?) video files. Sometimes youtube videos are affected too. Other sounds (system notifications, alerts and test sounds) work fine.

Clicking in the sound settings on internal speaker does not help.
A reboot does not work either.

The only way to get the sound for the video file is to go back to the TV, plug in the HDMI and then select internal speaker output. Then I can unplug HDMI again.

But what if I don't have a HDMI cable available?

Thanks for your help.
(LAPTOP is TUXEDO with Ubuntu 16.04)

Best Answer

I had the same problem, here is how to allow internal sound after using HDMI output - this worked for me.

In the hidden cache folder in your home directory, there will be a file called something like event-sound-cache.tdb.641c9db826a44f28bb9596d6df3020c2.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu. Just find the file and remove it. Now, your internal sound should work.

In a terminal, from home directory:

cd .cache
ls -a

Now look for the file starting with event-sound-cache.tdb. For me, it was event-sound-cache.tdb.641c9db826a44f28bb9596d6df3020c2.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

Now, in the terminal, type:

rm <file name here>

For me, my input looked like this:

rm event-sound-cache.tdb.641c9db826a44f28bb9596d6df3020c2.x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

Note that the event-sound-cache.tdb file with be unique to your machine-id and OS.

Your internal sound should now work. If the sound still does not work, go to the sound application and re-select Speakers (Built-in Audio) as the option for sound.

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