I upgraded my server to 16.04 from 14.04, which in turn was upgraded from 12.04, all using the command line do-release-upgrade. This is a server build, with absolutely no GUI. It runs apache2, bind9, nfs, and a few other network-related services. For the most part, nothing was broken in the upgrade… except the network. Now, I have to run
sudo /etc/init.d/networking start
after every reboot to get it to connect to the network. Not very helpful for a server. My guess is that the networking script simply isn't being run on startup; normally, I could fix the issue by running
sudo update-rc.d networking defaults
but the above command just gives an error about being unable to connect to upstart.
What can I do to fix my network?
Edit: The contents of /etc/network/interfaces:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
Best Answer
same here.
I think something went wrong while migrating from upstart to systemd in the installation process?
i will describe how i fixed it
Following this guide i enabled systemd networking: http://xmodulo.com/switch-from-networkmanager-to-systemd-networkd.html
Steps i did:
Now everything is working fine :-)