Ubuntu – No mobile data on Nexus 4 Ubuntu Touch


I've installed 29/01/2014 Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 4 (with .84 radio from Android 4.3). I can make/receive calls and connect to wifi but when I turn wifi off I see a 3G icon flash up two or three times in the top bar but then just the "no connection" icon.
There is definitely no data connection.
I understood that this should be working without any user intervention. My imei shows up in "about", mobile data is set to "on" and my carrier is correctly identified as "O2 UK".

Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

BTW I already tried creating a mobile data connection in desktop and then copying to "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections" and bringing up with "nmcli con up id" etc but I got the error that the connection was not supported by oFono.


Best Answer

I got myself connected by using the following ofono script commands in adb shell, first issue "cd /usr/share/ofono/scripts/" "activate-connection" "create-internet-context payandgo" (payandgo being my APN)

Still not sure why this worked as the default context did not contain any other details relating to O2 - for example, the password - but it did give me working 3G data.

For anyone else reading this, the command "set-context-property {context} {property} {value}" allows you to set any of the parameters contained in the given context (connection). For example, "set-context-property 0 Password payandgo" will set Password to "payandgo" in the default context. Also, the command "list-contexts" will show you the content of the context. If, while editing, it says the context is in use just issue "deactivate-context", make your changes, then "activate-context". HTH

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