Ubuntu – New laptop won’t boot after installing Ubuntu 14.04 on SSD


I removed the HDD from a Toshiba Computer I bought today and installed a 250GB SSD. After installing it, I immediately installed Ubuntu 14.04 on it from a USB drive. Everything went fine during installation, but when I restarted I got the message "Reboot and select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot Device and press a key". That message came up after a nano second screen that says "Checking Media Presence" and then "No Media Present".

When I reboot using the USB stick, I can see the SSD drive and it has the OS written on it and it looks like it's been partitioned correctly.

Can someone please tell me what I need to do to get my computer to boot up? I read something about how the Secure boot and CSM or UEFI might be a factor, but I'm not experienced enough with new Bios to know how to configure those settings. I also read about Grub probably not installing on the SSD and I might just have to fix Grub for it to work, but I haven't been able to do that through the Ubuntu running of the USB stick.
Any help or links to good threads would be very helpful. If you have any questions, I would be very happy to help you in helping me.


Best Answer

I'm not familiar with laptop BIOS things but I've ever tried grub-fix and use it as a way of installing my own live system.

Though I've never tried to fix grub in 14.04 but it should be OK. So would you please tell where you get stuck while fixing grub?

Also,the following link may help.




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