Ubuntu – network manager not working


I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.1 server. Recently, I installed Ubuntu desktop for it; before that it had automatically gained an IP address through DHCP. After installing Ubuntu desktop, I have provided an IP address as static but it is not obtaining that IP address. Instead, it is showing the DHCP address. When I check connection information, it is showing me the error message, "Error displaying connection information, no valid active connection found." I tried with ifconfig command but it shows the IP address as gained by DHCP but not the static one which I gave so I can browse the internet. I need to provide a static IP address. I have uploaded the error image. Please help me.enter image description here
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Best Answer

Check your network configuration files are same or not. These files are default configuration of Ubuntu.

Open Terminal and type these commands:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

Now edit the file:

auto lo eth0
iface lo inet loopback
inface eth0 inet dhcp

Now save that file.

After this step you have to open another file via terminal.

sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf



After doing this editing job. Run this final command :

sudo service network-manager restart

And then restart your Ubuntu.

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