Ubuntu – Network configuration timed out in Ubuntu Core 16 for Wifi adapter on RPI3


I am trying to configure Ubuntu Core on RPI3 for the first time, during its own configuration it stop in "Network Configuration". Clicking "Done" at 66% it gives me an error.

enter image description here

I tried to reboot the RPI and I saw that

enter image description here

from my Desktop I can ping its IP addr, and it's right also the Gateway

enter image description here

but if I try to set "Done" the same issue

enter image description here

using a cable connection I've any issues and can proceed completing the set, with wifi no. In the SD card the contents is this:

enter image description here

how do I have to set also wifi connection on it? thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I met the same issue when I run ubuntu core 16.04 on RPI3. Creating wireless config file method mentioned by Riccardo Magrini.

$: sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan0 does not work perfectly. Because wlan0 interface can obtain IP config and I can ssh to RPI3 from local network. But default gateway is missing. Even if try dhcpclient wlan0, the default gateway does not apply.

My solution is:

  1. setup the cable interface (eth0)
  2. SSH to RPI to get a terminal
  3. do $sudo snap refresh
  4. wait RPI3 reboot and connect it via SSH again.
  5. reconfig wlan0 inerface $sudo console-conf
  6. unplug network cable, and reboot.
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