Ubuntu – Nautilus trash doesn’t show deleted files on other partitions


Ubuntu 14.04

I have created several symlinks in my home folder to folders in another drive.
I have changed the permissions of that mounted drive:

drwxrwxrwx   6 root  root  4,0K oct 13 17:30 media/

When I delete some file/folder on some of that symlinks, from Nautilus, it's sent to Trash folder in media drive:

$ ll /media/.Trash-1000/
total 8,0K
drwx------ 2 simon simon 4,0K oct 13 17:32 files/
drwx------ 2 simon simon 4,0K oct 13 17:32 info/

but it isn't showed in Nautilus trash, why?

Best Answer

I had similar issues, even going so far as to place a shortcut to the trash bin in my file manager so that I could get the space back. In the end the best solution for me was to:

Use the trash-cli package which can be installed with sudo apt-get install trash-cli and empties all of a users trash with the command trash-empty