Ubuntu – Nautilus-clutterflow only works in “sudo-mode”


could any body help?
Why is nautilus elementary's "clutterflow" only active when nautilus is started as "sudo nautilus"?

I ran "nautilus -q" and got this error:
"nautilus -q" generates an error… in ubuntu 11.04. Following error: (nautilus:3746): Unique-DBus-WARNING *: Error while sending message: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus).*

Now, i ran the same command "sudo nautilus -q" and nothing happend. But running "nautilus &" without "-q" brings up the browser, but clutterflow won't work either.

Clutterflow only works with "sudo nautilus &" but i don't want to be surfing around in super user mode…, how can i resolve this?

Thanks for reading and please respond if you can !

Best Answer

in gconf-editor

check "show_clutter" and set "clutter_test" to 0

ok, then nautilus -q and try F4

in my case, it worked.

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