Ubuntu – Nano – insert content, save and exit


I'm currently working on making a text file of the whole process of setting up my server for my normal usage.

And would like to know if there is any way to write a shell script so that I can make the "nano" insert content, save it, exit it, and then continue with the rest of my commands.

Cause when I put all of this into the shell script:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf-available/fqdn.conf
ServerName localhost
sudo a2enconf fqdn

Then it shows the "nano" file editor with this content:

ServerName localhost
sudo a2enconf fqdn

Well, while I wanted it to save and exit after the ServerName localhost, so that my script could continue.

Would that be posibble anyhow?

Best Answer

I may have misunderstood your question. SHH doesn't exist, do you mean SH or SSH? Or maybe Bash? (EDIT: brought an edit to fix this)

Anyway, nano won't be much of assistance here. echo will.

echo "ServerName localhost" > /etc/apache2/conf-available/fqdn.conf
sudo a2enconf fqdn

The above shell code will send your text into the file. Replacing > with >> will append it instead, if that's what you're looking for.

If you need root privileges to write to this file, then use tee instead of a simple shell redirection (>/>>). This will allow you to use sudo properly:

echo -e "ServerName localhost" | sudo tee -a /etc/apache2/conf-available/fqdn.conf
sudo a2enconf fqdn

nano is here so that you, the user, can write data manually into a file. However, if you're looking for an automated process, there's no need for an editor, coreutils can handle that just fine. Linux doesn't need the fancy nano interface to write into a file.

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