Ubuntu – n application that does nested note taking


I'm pulling my hair out trying to find a notebook program that lets me do nested note taking, and that has the ability to change the location of the notebooks. That seems really easy but, I've found virtually no good note taking programs that do this.

Here's a list of what I've tried so far and why it didn't work for me.

  • KeepNote : Very slow and unresponsive but it was pretty good aside from some formatting quirks. I was using this before but, the lag for doing ANYTHING was too high so I gave up using it.
  • GNote : Sticky note app, not what I needed
  • Tomboy : Esentially the same as GNote, doesn't let me change the location of the notes
  • RedNotebook : Very confusing and doesn't let me make notes that are nested more than two deep.
  • Basket : So far the best BUT won't let me change the location of the notebook, which makes it useless to me. If there is some way to do this I am missing I would love to hear it -> Change where basket saves notebooks?
  • Zim : Cool, and I'd use it but, it doesn't have the depth of features I need.
  • Notecase : The closest thing I have found, I like the fact it encrypts but, the file linking feature doesn't work all the time, and I need it.

Is there any alternatives besides these? Personally I'd prefer Basket but, it has some weird quirks. First, it only saves notebooks to ~/.kde/shae/baskets, and I don't want these notes touching my hard drive at all. I need them to go to an encrypted volume /media/truecrypt1.

Secondly, though it has fancy PGP encryption, it doesn't encrypt the entire basket tree, only the first basket and, while the PGP encryption is perfect for me, this seems like a huge flaw, as you have to encrypt EVERY note/basket attached to it by hand, meaning I have to type my 20+ character password every time. If I have to I might just run wine with OneNote, even though I do not like using Microsoft products.

Best Answer

If Basket does what you need except for saving the stuff in the wrong place, you could just create a symlink from where Basket wants to save stuff to where you want it:

ln -s /media/truecrypt1/baskets ~/.kde/share/baskets

I don't know exactly what encryption software you use, but assuming that it lets programs read and write from the file system as long as you're logged in and have unlocked it, this should do what you need in terms of moving the baskets.