Ubuntu – Multi screen problems “virtual size does not fit available size”


I recently upgraded to 11.04 beta 2 and everything works just like clockwork, but now I’ve run into multi screen issues :/ at first it worked but then a installed the proprietary drivers (I think this is causing it) and now its coming up with this virtual size restrictions and only lets me mirror screen or use just one. its like its limiting me on how much total resolution I can have if you get what I mean. I hope there’s a work around for this… this is what is says when I try enable my second monitor.

The selected configuration for displays could not be applied
required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(2646, 1024), minimum=(320, 200), maximum=(1366,1366)

Best Answer

I had the same problem on my Dell with an ATI graphics card.

But then I noticed that ATI have their own graphics driver configuration tools which you can use to set the monitors up. The process I did was:

  1. Opened the "ATI Catalyst Control Center (Administrative)"
  2. Clicked on "Display Manager" in the left tree menu
  3. On the right under "Multi-Display", selected "Multi-Display desktop with display(s) x" in the drop down
  4. Dragged the monitors in the display to the right locations for my monitor layout
  5. Clicked Apply, confirmed the change, and rebooted my computer

It then rebooted and came with using both monitors.

Assuming you have ATI graphics drivers, that should work for you. If you have NVidia, there should be an NVidia control panel you can use to do similar.

Try this if the above doesn't work Open the Catalyst Control using command line by typing: gksudo amdcccle