Ubuntu – MTP Connection: Unable to mount Samsung Android error many times in a minute!


I use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on my PC and I'm trying to connect my Samsung S6 device to this Ubuntu with USB on MTP Connection. I always get this popping up:

unable to mount Samsung Android

I can't even copy even an audio track. I'm developing Android apps and need to test on my device but I cannot get full connection between adb and my phone. I see my device name on the list but the same message pops up every 30 seconds.

enter image description here

I just took a screenshot. The shadows mean there are many instances of the same dialog under that! And it already opened many empty folders as you can see. This happened in just 1 or 2 mins.

What I have tried

  • I added attr to 51-android.rules and 69-libmtp.rules with lsusb results
  • installed libmtp-1.1.12 , gmtp , mtp-tools, go-mtpfs , gvfs , mtpfs
  • tried on both usb2.0 and usb3.0 port
  • tried with debug enabled and disabled
  • already selected MTP Connection type in USB Configuration under the Developer Options Menu in Android

Best Answer

My Galaxy S4 will do the same thing on a 3.0 USB port. Try using a 2.0 USB port if you have one. You might also try a different USB cord. It shouldn’t make a difference, but it does. I got mine to work with a 3.0 port by swapping out cords until I found one that did the job.

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