Ubuntu – Mozilla Firefox terribly slow on Ubuntu 14.04


It is being observed since my upgradation to Ubuntu 14.04, that the Firefox browser is terribly slow. Can anything be done about it?

Best Answer

Well I checked a youtube video, that shows a procedure, and it worked perfect for me!. Now firefox is way faster that before, and more than that, is faster than chromium!. The procedure is basically the following:

  • open a new tab in firefox and write "about:config". Enter.
  • Press in "I'll be carefull, I promise", in order to get into the settings page.
  • Once in the settings page, In the "filter" field write: network.http
  • Go to the list below and double click "network.http.pipelining" in order for it to change from "false" to "true"
  • do the same for "network.http.proxy.pipelining"
  • Now, in the "filter" field write: network.dns
  • Go to the list below and double click "network.dns.disableIPv6" in order for it to change from "false" to "true".

That's all! now you have the Fastest browser you'll ever find!.

Just for the record: Firefox version: 29.0 , Ubuntu version: 14.04

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